Sunday, May 31, 2020

Five last-minute Secret Santa gifts

Five last-minute Secret Santa gifts by Amber Rolfe Christmastime: novelty gifts and wine…Whether you’re a big fan of the annual anonymous exchange of presents around the office, or you’re begrudgingly forced into buying something for a stranger for five-pounds-or-less, choosing what to get for Secret Santa can often be a puzzling ordeal. Especially if you’ve left it late.Weve already covered some Secret Santa  dos and donts, but if you’re still struggling for festive inspiration, here are six last-minute gift ideas that ‘Santa’ (and/or you) could be bringing this year:1.  The gift in a jarSo, it’s the evening before the big Secret Santa reveal, and you’ve totally forgotten to buy anything.Unfortunately, even one-day delivery can’t save you now it’s time to go DIY.The good news is, there is a quick-fire way to fashion a thoughtful gift with a limited number of resources. Simply fill a jar with your co-worker’s favourite things (e.g. sweets, chocolate, anything else that’s vaguely edibl e). Decorate it with a bow and some ribbon, and you’re done.If the person in question isn’t a fan of childhood treats, simply change the contents of the jar. Mini bottles of alcohol or hot drink sachets are also pretty good options.NB: an ‘IOU’ is not.500ml Glass Jar for £2.75 at  Amazon.2.  The novelty mugIf it’s witty slogans, bad puns, and personalised jokes you’re after, mugs really do have it all.Use what you know about the person to make an educated guess on what type of mug they (or anyone else in the office) would find absolutely hilarious, then sit back and patiently wait for the LOLs to come rolling in.If in doubt, remember: hot drinks + biscuits = win-win.Biscuit Pocket Mug for £5.99 at  Amazon.3.  The gameIf your Secret Santa is the same day as your Christmas party, why not kill two birds with one stone and avoid work all afternoon*?You just need the right game, and the right group of people. But pick wisely â€" especially if you’re likely to start playin g in the office. All it takes is some competitive co-workers and a few choice words before people start referring to your gift as ‘The Travel Twister Incident’.If in doubt, play it safe and go for a classic. Everyone likes Pointless, right?And to avoid any awkward situations, we probably wouldn’t recommend ‘Cards Against Humanity’.Pointless Mini Game for £7.99 at  Amazon.4.  The pampering gift setAKA, the ‘safe option’.It’s guaranteed that anyone will need some kind of pampering product in their lives at some point. So why not save the hassle of them buying it for themselves, and treat them to an upscale version of their usual body lotion and bubble bath?Normally pre-packaged as a gift, and sometimes decorated with a bow and other Christmas themed finishes, this is a ready-made present in itself. All you need to do is cater your choice to the person’s gender and taste.Just don’t go overboard â€" having your co-worker think you’re trying to address a personal h ygiene issue is unlikely to ever end well.Snow Fairy Shower Gel for £8.25 at  Lush.5.  The desk décorFinally, why not bring it right back to the office?In the assumption that you’ve spent the last few weeks covertly glancing over at your co-worker’s desk for inspiration, you’ll probably have noticed the types of decorative (or entirely functional) objects they like to keep on display.Your job is to add to it, or figure out what’s missing. Is your co-worker a massive neat freak? Get them a unique desk tidy. Are they easily flustered? Sounds like they need a stress ball. A big collector of Lego figurines? You know what to do.If you’re still stuck for ideas, just use the force. And by force, we mostly mean R2D2 themed desk-hoovers….Funko Pop! Star Wars Porg Vinyl Figure for £9.88 at  Amazon.* do not condone avoiding work.  Honourable mentions: Emoji magnets, Instagram photo prints, a USB cup warmer, alcohol.Things to avoid: Stationery, novelty underwear, your o wn unwanted gift, a signed picture of yourself.Find a job What Where Search JobsSign up for more Career AdviceSign up for moreCareer Advice Please enter a valid email addressmessage hereBy clicking Submit you agree to the terms and conditions applicable to our service and acknowledge that your personal data will be used in accordance with our privacy policy and you will receive emails and communications about jobs and career related topics. Workplace culture

Thursday, May 28, 2020

A Job Search Tool

A Job Search ToolIn this article, I will discuss the role of resume inspiration and how it can greatly affect your resume writing process. Resume inspiration is a great tool, especially for those who need to write their own resumes. Using resume inspiration in your resume writing process can help you in several ways.Resume inspiration is a huge help when it comes to coming up with the right words to write in your resume. The main reason why people struggle with making their resume look professional is because they have no idea of what the appropriate words are to use for their resume. It's also a great way to come up with interesting and original ideas for your resume.In addition, a well written and inspirational piece of resume writing can make a strong impression on the person who reads it. When a person sees you have put some effort into your resume, they will automatically think that you are a person of confidence and that you have a lot of potential. People tend to gravitate tow ards confident people.Another great idea for your resume inspiration is to look at some resumes of past job applicants. You will be able to learn a lot about their experiences and see how they may have done your jobs or looked like when they were applying for the job. This will give you an idea about how to write your own resume based on what was in those previous resumes.There are a lot of different factors to consider when creating a resume. These include the areas of your career that are to be discussed, the tasks that should be included, the purpose of the resume, and the specific job you want to get hired for. Each of these elements plays a big role in determining the best style of resume for your particular career.Aside from the fact that it is important to know your specific skills and accomplishments, another factor to consider is the job you want to get hired for. To be more specific, your resume will be judged based on two factors: One, is it based on relevant information and two, if it is easy to read and grasp. Getting the first step right will ensure a success, as employers will find it easier to read your resume as well as it will not be too long.There are a lot of other resume ideas out there, but these tips can help you get started. The most important thing is to be concise and keep your resume to one page. If your resume is too long, it can distract people from the main objective of reading it.Your personal statement is what you put in your resume and what your friends and family to remember you by. This is the part of your resume that defines who you are as a person and as a professional. If you want to make a difference in your career, learn the role of resume inspiration.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

4 False Beliefs About Reaching Your Goals - Classy Career Girl

4 False Beliefs About Reaching Your Goals In this episode, we’re gonna talk about the false beliefs that might be holding you back from reaching your goals. We can’t create a plan if we don’t tackle those beliefs that are holding you back and might be like a roadblock for you. So we want nothing in your way in order for you to reach your goals. And this is something that has definitely held me back. All of the false beliefs that I’m gonna cover today I have thought of at some point too. Subscribe  on  your favorite platform below: iTunes Google Play Music Stitcher Radio TuneIn iHeartRadio Sound Cloud 4 False Beliefs About Reaching Your Goals One of the false beliefs that I have had since I’ve become a mom is that I can’t build a huge business because I don’t want to leave my kids. And if I grow my business, then it’s gonna affect the time that I have with them. I’m not gonna be around. I’m gonna have to travel a lot. And so I can’t go all-in on my business because it’s gonna affect my relationship with my kids, and that is a complete false belief. I was determined and I committed to myself that I wasn’t gonna let this belief hold me back any longer because I want my girls to look at me as a role model. I want them to see me going after my goals and my dreams and growing my business. And impacting women around the world is a goal and is a dream and I know that I could do it. And I didn’t want to let myself play small because I’m a mom. And I also want to be an example for other women who are moms to show them that they can grow a business as well. Here Are The Common False Beliefs People Have About Reaching Their Goals: 1) I don’t have enough time. So one of the first common false beliefs that people have is they think I don’t have enough time to reach my goals. And if you think this, I want to challenge you on this, because when it comes to creating your goals in the planning system that I’m gonna teach you, it’s not about doing more. You don’t need more time. You just need to be focused on doing the right things, your priorities. 2) Believing that you were not born productive. The second false belief is believing that you were not born productive, and there’s no way you can become more productive and become more disciplined because you just weren’t born that way. And I want to challenge you on this, if you think this, because being productive is a skill that you can develop. No one is born this way. This is a skill that I have had to develop too. I wasn’t born a great planner. This is something that I have worked on in order to make my goals happen. So think of being more productive as a skill that you can develop. 3) Thinking that you are not disciplined enough. I’ve heard this over and over again. And here’s what I want to tell you. It doesn’t require much discipline when you are doing work you love. And when you are working on goals that you are excited and motivated for. So if you haven’t had discipline in the past, most likely it’s because you’ve had goals that aren’t motivating you. They aren’t pushing you. Because when you set the right goals, discipline isn’t an issue. Spend your time focusing on what you love and discipline will be easy. 4) I tried before my goals and it didn’t work. So I’m just gonna give up now. You absolutely cannot give up no matter what. If something didn’t work before, you just have to try something different. It’s that easy cause we have all failed. Trust me, I have failed a lot. And the whole reason I am where I am right now is because of my past failures. I’ve had to learn from them so that I could grow personally and business could grow. So just think of some ways that you can change things up, do things a little different. You already are because you’re in this course, and that’s gonna teach you how to do things differently. Other Podcast Episodes You Might Like: Ask John and Anna Anything: How We Balance and Plan Out Our Crazy Busy Lives How to Identify a Clear Vision For Your Dream Business Your Goals For 2020 and How To Reach Them Faster

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

NEWSFLASH A LinkedIn Company Page is STILL More Important Than a Website

NEWSFLASH A LinkedIn Company Page is STILL More Important Than a Website I’ve blogged a bit about this recently â€" perhaps I was slightly psychic with my blog last year Why your company page is more important than your website (2.5k shares and counting)! However, I didn’t know that LinkedIn were going to… hide your website within your Contact Info button! They clearly are trying to keep users on their system â€" and fair enough! (I think we often forget that it’s a business that needs to make money. Social media often feels free and easy it’s not!) If you’re interested, I followed up with a “Why your LinkedIn Company Page is STILL more important than your website” blog â€" this series is turning into a Game of Thrones-like series (but without the funny business, men in skirts and blue eyed monstersalthough, there’s still time!) Will people really visit your website? Your website is at the bottom of your company page on LinkedIn and hidden within your contact info on your profile page. And even if I care enough to hunt it down, have you made an effort and created a gorgeous call to action to encourage me to go to your website, or are you missing out with a “Company Website” button? Do you even know how many hits your website gets from LinkedIn? Have you noticed a drop in these numbers since Xmas? Have you checked your LinkedIn Company page followers and the Insights page of my LinkedIn company page to see what’s going on? Did you know you can see this data? Your company is now a pretty logo on your super-duper new profile and there are 2-3 places where I can click on to it (which are right in my face as opposed to your web link). Hence, now more than ever your company page is more important that your website! If you’re not persuaded: If how I have described the changes are not enough, here’s some stats which are pretty compelling: Nearly 3 Million company pages on LinkedIn (phew!) 61% of LinkedIn members are likely to share information they see in a company update (they find it pretty difficult to share silence, so speak up!) 79% of followers are interested in a company’s job updates (now I never thought I’d be blogging that stat!) 49% of followers are likely to “buy” from you if you engage with them (they’ll send you their CVs, and give you their vacancies) 65% of followers expect you to interact with them (interact, not bleat!) 88% of LinkedIn members follow companies (that’s a lot!) The average LinkedIn member only follows 6 companies on LinkedIn (why are you so special?) Have a plan: What’s your plan? Do you have one? I bet your website is a priority in your business â€" you have a budget for it, it gets regular new content (Jedi-mind trick - doesn’t it!?). But what are you doing with your LinkedIn company page? How are you capitalising on these changes? Are you even aware of who your company followers are? (It’s likely they either want to work for you, are competitors, clients or just intrigued people). Where else do you get to see who is following your company? NOWHERE! (Note to Recruiters, don’t forget to look at others’ pages for candidate/client/lead gen opportunities.) In any event, I strongly urge you to grab this area of LinkedIn and give it a jolly good “seeing to”! (Now that’s getting more in the Game of Thrones theme!) RELATED: Why Your LinkedIn Company Page is More Important than Your Website

Sunday, May 17, 2020

How to Find an Example of a Resume

How to Find an Example of a ResumeAn example of a resume is something that should be able to help you get a job interview. It is important to make sure that you have something that is professional in appearance. There are many ways that this can be accomplished, one way is to take advantage of examples of resumes. These examples can be found at your local library, at your local bookstore, or online.You will find that the person's resume can be very helpful for many reasons. A person should be able to feel good about the way that their resume looks. Some people may not feel comfortable with a resume that does not look professional. They should have a well-written resume that will help them to get an interview, and they should be able to communicate effectively.Many people get into a job interview without having any idea of what is expected of them. Many people will not even know what their resume is going to be like. They should make sure that they are prepared when it comes to gettin g a job interview, and they should know what the person wants to say in the resume that they put on display.The better the resume looks, the more chance it has of getting the employer to want to read it. Your resume will be the first thing that the employer will see, and the next thing that they will hear. So, the first step that you should take when it comes to writing a resume is to make sure that it is impressive.You will find that there are several different types of resumes, and the question is, which one is right for you? You should choose a resume that will be able to stand out. A resume that has a professional appearance can be the one that makes a difference in getting an interview. You should try to find a resume that will also have an eye catching heading.If you do not have access to a local library, then you can find examples of resumes that are free to use on the internet. You should not have to pay for this information, since it is usually available for everyone to use . It is important to make sure that the information that you will find is professional.While you can find many materials that you can use, you should also make sure that you are being clear about the material that you are using. You should put some thought into how the material will be read. If the material is unclear or if it does not work, you should keep searching until you find the resume that works for you.This example of a resume can help you get the first interview that you are qualified for. It is important to get an interview so that you will be able to start working. If you do not get an interview, you should make sure that you take the time to make sure that you have put together a great resume. Make sure that you take the time to put together a professional looking resume, and you will find that your chances of getting an interview will be much better.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

How to Make Your Resume Shine for Small Businesses

How to Make Your Resume Shine for Small Businesses Your resume is not an unchanging, static document. Every job has different responsibilities, and every business has different tastes; based on where you’re applying and who will review your resume, you must be able to adapt the way you highlight different aspects of your work experience, skillset, and personality.Photo Credit â€" Pixabay.comFor you to stand out as a winner over a vast sea of capable applicants, you have to sell yourself as the type of person that will fit perfectly into the business’s open slot.Small businesses have vastly different requirements than larger companies. Sending the same resume to a small business as you sent to a corporation will almost certainly sift you out immediately: the resume you sent to a corporation that highlighted your specific technical skills might be thrown out by a small business who needs more of a generalist.evalListed below are some traits that small business owners are looking for; rebuild your resume around highlighting these tr aits, and you’re sure to succeed!1. You Don’t Need to be Always Told What to DoevalImagine all the responsibilities of the managers you’ve worked for in the past. Now roll all these responsibilities together, and you have a general idea of what small business owners have to deal with every single day.They are responsible for absolutely every aspect of the day-to-day AND big picture functionality of the business, and don’t really have much time to micromanage and train employees, even new employees.Understand that small businesses don’t have “management” positions: everyone has a job, and they are responsible for managing themselves. Take the time to highlight why you’re a person who can be immediately trusted with the responsibility of getting your job done, no questions asked.Don’t just vaguely refer to yourself as a “self-starter”; give examples of experiences where you took the reins and didn’t need to be told exactly what to do.2. You Have a Lot of Genera l Aptitude in Different FieldsSmall businesses often don’t run like a well-oiled machine: don’t expect to be a cog that performs only a few specific job duties as part of a fine-tuned, large machine. Often, you’re required to be a generalist, someone who feels comfortable with all of the various aspects of an extremely large wheelhouse like “human resources”, “accounting”, or “programming”.I once consulted with a Jackson, MS pool design company that was trying to hire someone to manage their “programming”. We received around 30 resumes; as I reviewed each resume, I found that the majority of them were making the mistake of highlighting their SPECIFIC knowledge, rather than their general and adaptable skillset.evalOne spent almost 1/3rd of his resume highlighting the deep nuance of his knowledge of coding Python. While I don’t doubt that he knew Python well, he didn’t spend any time describing how his skills could have generally applied to the pool design co mpany’s specific needs; without knowing how his specific knowledge could help us, we passed on calling him in for an interview.3. You Can Teach Yourself New SkillsSmall businesses don’t have big training budgets, and they don’t have a lot of already set-in-stone business processes. Owners are always looking for a new edge, and are willing to change their current approach.Employees must be malleable and capable of learning new skills for the business: it’s entirely possible that the job that they’re hiring for will evolve into something completely different within 8 months, and they need to know that you can handle this flexibility.A small women’s clothing retailer that I consulted for was looking to hire someone who could simply manage their poorly-performing warehouse.evalMany of the resumes I reviewed had high degree of experience in similar management roles; however, the business’s owner insisted on bringing in only the candidates that had listed work experiences in which they had facilitated a large change in the way the warehouse ran.The owner recognized that things in the warehouse needed to change, but she didn’t want to be micromanaging this change, hoping that her new warehouse manager could facilitate this change. She ended up hiring an applicant who had spent 1/4th of her resume highlighting a time where she taught herself how to use workflow management software (not a simple software solution, by any means) and implemented it at her old company.This ability to learn new skills is worth its weight in gold for any small business that’s still trying to grow and figure out its business processes.ConclusionSmall businesses are often looking for a completely different type of applicant than large corporations are: don’t get caught sending to a small business the same resume you sent to a large company, because it’ll heavily decrease your chances of finding employment. So much about resumes has become stagnant and overused; don’t b e part of the problem!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Job Search Blues Got You Down Heres How to Turn it Around

Job Search Blues Got You Down Here’s How to Turn it Around If you say no, youre not frustrated or lost, you are either a great actor or you have an offer in hand. There are 3 main reasons why your mental attitude will take a beating during the job search: 1. Its humiliating. Nobody wants to sell themselves to a hiring manager. There is a stigma with being unemployed and job-searching. Most importantly, its filled with rejection. 2. Its a new era. Competition is more fierce than ever before and the game has changed. New technology, social media and higher standards than ever before. 3. You are not prepared. Without a good rhythm you will wander, think you have run out of things to do, and will randomly apply to jobs without success. Lets break these down and hit them head on. Why? Because if your head is not screwed on straight, it will show in everything you do: how you network, how you apply, how you interview. You need to do whatever it takes to find that happy place with your job-search process BEFORE charging out there and applying to jobs. Subsequently, during your job search, as you hit those frustrating walls, you need to bring yourself right back here to snap out of it. First, some basic truths to remind yourself about: There are millions of people job-searching right now. This second. Many of them have found a way to hold their chin high, play the puzzle pieces of the game, and some even enjoy it! Many others are sitting in a chair, slumped over, feeling sorry for themselves and being the victim of a very confusing world of job search. Hiring managers want to hire happy people. Your frustration, lack of confidence, even anger, will show right through. From your voice, your hand-shake, typos in correspondence and your answers to basic interview questions will all go horribly south. There are tricks to getting out of your slump. Many people use them successfully and are able to turn themselves around. My favorite two mind games I learned during my job searches and from other job-seekers: 1. Give your Job Search Process a name. “Jim’s Job Search” or just “FRED”…name it a 3rd person. That way you have to get up to see FRED, spend hours in the library with FRED, and follow up on FRED the next day. How many of you have had a project at work that has a name? Like Project Catalyst or Project Turnaround…anything. Why not apply the same thing to this very important project for you? The value of a project name it that it gives your hard work an identity, making it a really important effort. 2. “Build the Field” that you will play in. Rent the movie “Field of Dreams” if you want some inspiration. Seriously, set up a special space that is for Project FRED, get a filing system arranged in a box or on your PC, get out of little yellow sticky notes, and plan to run the best, most organized process you have ever done. As if your life depended on it. Oh, wait. It does depend on it. In summary, pick yourself up and Cut the Crap, Get a Job (pre-order my forthcoming book of the same title here)

Friday, May 8, 2020

10 Traits Every Executive Should Have

10 Traits Every Executive Should Have To be effective in upper-level management, you need a specific set of traits. Its also important to exhibit these attributes through your actions, as well as the companys executive bio and your executive profile for social media. While there are other factors affecting your abilities as a manager, displaying these traits will increase your chances of success. 1. Leadership Skills A personal drive to lead others is a necessity for those who want to serve on the executive level. While leadership skills can be acquired traits, an innate tendency to lead will serve you better in a position of power within a company. 2. Sales Drive Some salespeople are adept at making a pitch, while others pride themselves in their ability to close. If you want to be a successful executive, it’s best to be skilled at both making a pitch and closing the sale. As a leader within the company, you will need to sell yourself, your ideas and the business on a regular basis. 3. A Realistic Viewpoint Having a dream and goals is important for a successful career, but a realistic viewpoint is even more critical. You need to be able to recognize what is possible and execute the required processes to achieve those goals. 4. Patience Patience is a virtue every executive should have. You can’t expect all of your efforts to produce results immediately. Patiently waiting for the proper timing and the right resources will help you bring your business to the forefront. 5. A Broad Perspective Keeping short-term goals in mind is essential for ensuring daily objectives are met for your company, but having a broader perspective can be invaluable. Seeing the bigger picture will help you make smaller decisions along the way. 6. Courage When most people think of courage, they consider the risks that need to be taken to move forward. However, courage can also be defined as the strength required to stop or change direction. 7. Financial Expertise Many businesses have a finance division to handle the day-to-day financial elements. However, many companies want an executive team that can keep the budget in mind and understand how money flow factors into the function of the business. 8. Domain Expertise Technology has become a major component in the world of business. You should command a basic knowledge of the latest technology as it relates to your industry. Dont forget to showcase your technical knowledge in your executive bio. 9. Honor The dictionary defines honor as adhering to what is right. In the business world, displaying honor lends an authenticity to your management style. An honorable philosophy and actions allow you to readily connect with your team and your customers on an emotional level. 10. Perseverance The business world is rapidly changing, which can make it difficult to keep up and stay on top. This is why the drive to keep going, even when things aren’t proceeding as planned, is important. If you need help highlighting these personality traits in your executive profile,contact us. Our professional resume writing services are designed to showcase your best attributes, making you more attractive to prospective employers. 10 Traits Every Executive Should Have To be effective in upper-level management, you need a specific set of traits.  Its also important to  exhibit these attributes through your actions, as well as the companys executive bio and your executive profile  for social media.  While there are other factors affecting your abilities as a manager, displaying these traits will increase your chances of success. 1. Leadership Skills A personal drive to lead others is a necessity for those who want to serve on the executive level. While leadership skills can be acquired traits, an innate tendency to lead will serve you better in a position of power within a company. 2. Sales Drive Some salespeople are adept at making a pitch, while others pride themselves in their ability to close. If you want to be a successful executive, it’s best to be skilled at both making a pitch and closing the sale. As a leader within the company, you will need to sell yourself, your ideas and the business on a regular basis. 3. A Realistic Viewpoint Having a dream and goals is important for a successful career, but a realistic viewpoint is even more critical. You need to be able to recognize what is possible and execute the required processes to achieve those goals. 4. Patience Patience is a virtue every executive should have. You can’t expect all of your efforts to produce results immediately. Patiently waiting for the proper timing and the right resources will help you bring your business to the forefront. 5. A Broad Perspective Keeping short-term goals in mind is essential for ensuring daily objectives are met for your company, but having a broader perspective can be invaluable. Seeing the bigger picture will help you make smaller decisions along the way. 6. Courage When most people think of courage, they consider the risks that need to be taken to move forward. However, courage can also be defined as the strength required to stop or change direction. 7. Financial Expertise Many businesses have a finance division to handle the day-to-day financial elements. However, many companies want an executive team that can keep the budget in mind and understand how money flow factors into the function of the business. 8. Domain Expertise Technology has become a major component in the world of business. You should command a basic knowledge of the latest technology as it relates to your industry. Dont forget to showcase your technical knowledge in your  executive bio. 9. Honor The dictionary defines honor as adhering to what is right. In the business world, displaying honor  lends an authenticity to your management style. An honorable philosophy and actions  allow you to readily connect with your team and your customers on an emotional level. 10. Perseverance The business world is rapidly changing, which can make it difficult to keep up and stay on top. This is why the drive to keep going, even when things aren’t proceeding as planned, is important. If you need help highlighting these personality traits in your executive profile, contact us. Our professional resume writing services are designed to showcase your best attributes, making you more attractive to prospective employers.